Repeaters & Operating Aids

Mendocino County Linked Repeater System

There are 5 repeaters linking Mendocino County with Lake County:

When utilizing one, the conversation is repeated through all 5, making it neccesary to pause 3 seconds or more before starting to talk to allow ALL the repeaters to link up, otherwise part of the conversation is missed.

Cahto Peak: located near Laytonville, 145.430 (-)offset, 103.5 PL

Laughlin Ridge: located south of Willits, 147.390 (+)offset, 103.5 PL

Sanel Mountain: located in Hopland, 145.470 (-)offset, 103.5 PL

Fish Rock: located on the South Coast, 147.270 (+)offset, 114.8 PL
---: All owned and maintained by Greg WA6RQX

Hunter Point: located in Nice, 147.675 (-)offset, 179.9 PL
---: Owned and maintained by Dave N1PPP and Cody K0DYS

Remember when using one of these repeaters, your conversation is being broadcast from Humboldt County to Sonoma County and from the coast through Lake County!

Another linked system can be found on the Coast:

MathisonPeak 146.820 (-)offset, 103.5 PL

Downtown Fort Bragg 147.030 (+)offset, 103.5 PL

Repeater list by location

. City RX +/- PL Call Sign Location
101 N Crescent City 147.880 - 136.5 W6HY .
101 N Crescent City 147.060 + 100.0 K6JSI WIN System
101 N Klamath 147.390 + 103.5 KA6ROM .
101 N Willow Creek 147.000 + 103.5 K6FWR Horse Mountain
101 N Eureka 146.700 - 103.5 K6FWR Humboldt Hill
101 N Eureka 145.470 - 103.5 W6ZZK .
101 N Scotia 145.170 - 103.5 WB6TMS Mount Pierce
101 N Fortuna 147.090 + 103.5 KA6ROM Tompkins Hill
101 N Weott 147.330 + 103.5 KM6TE Grasshopper Mtn
101 N Dinsmore 146.980 - 103.5 K6FWR Dinsmore Hill
101 N Garberville 146.610 - 103.5 K6FWR Pratt Mtn
101 N Garberville 146.790 - 103.5 W6HUM Upper Saw Mill Rd
101 N Garberville 147.150 + 103.5 KA6ROM Pratt Mtn
. . . . . . .
101 Laytonville 145.430 - 103.5 WA6RQX Cahto Peak (Countywide)
101 Laytonville 146.655 - 103.5 K7BUG Cahto Peak
101 Laytonville 443.000 + 100.01 K6JSI Cahto Peak (WIN)
101 Laytonville 440.8250 + 114.8 WI6H .
101 Covelo 147.210 + 103.5 WB6TCS Anthiony Peak
101 Willits/Ukiah 145.130 - 103.5 W6MMM Laughlin Ridge
101 Willits/Ukiah 147.120 + 103.5 WA6RQX Laughlin Ridge-Can be connected to WIN System, contact KJ6ZVS
101 Willits/Ukiah 147.390 + 103.5 WA6RQX Laughlin Ridge (Countywide)
101 Willits 443.175 - will be connected to 145.555 in the near future. + 123.0 WA6RQX Laughlin Ridge
101 Willits 444.925 + 100.0 N6VUD .
101 Ukiah 146.955 - 88.5 AC6ET Cow Mtn
101 Ukiah 440.025 + 141.3 WA6RQX .
101 Ukiah 440.850 + 141.3 WA6RQX .
101 Ukiah 444.075 + 141.3 WA6RQX .
101 Ukiah 444.775 + 141.3 WA6RQX .
101 Hopland 145.470 - 103.5 WA6RQX Sanel Mtn (Countywide)
101 Hopland 444.750 + 100.0 WA6RQX .
101 Hopland 444.875 + 192.8 WA6RQX .
. . . . . . .
Coast Fort Bragg 147.030 + 103.5 K6MHE Downtown FB
Coast Mendocino 146.820 - 103.5 WD6HDY Mathison Peak
Coast Point Arena 146.610 - 88.5 W6ABR .
Coast Point Arena 147.270 + 114.8 WA6RQX Fish Rock (Countywide)
Coast Point Arena 443.075 + 100.0 N6MVT CARLA
Coast Anchor Bay 147.825 - 103.5 W6ABR .
Coast Gualala 442.075 + . K6LNK CARLA
Coast Sea Ranch 147.945 - 88.5 KI6HHA .
Coast Cazadero 147.975 - 88.5 K6ACS .
Coast Bodega Bay 146.670 - 88.5 WA6M .
Coast Pt. Reyes 145.170 - 88.5 KI6B Inverness
. . . . . . .
Lake Clear Lake 146.775 - 103.5 N1PPP Mt. Konocti
Lake Nice 147.675 - 179.9/td> N1PPP Hunter Peak (Countywide)
Lake Kelseyville 441.350 + 100.0 KG6UFR .
. . . . . . .
101 S Cloverdale 146.970 - 103.5 KI6B .
101 S Rio Nido 145.190 - 88.5 KD6LC Mt. Jackson
101 S Guerneville 146.940 - 88.5 KI6B .
101 S Healdsburg 146.730 - 88.5 K6ACS Sonoma Mtn
101 S Healdsburg 224.360 - 88.5 NN6J .
101 S Middletown 145.390 - 88.5 AC6VJ St. Helena
101 S Santa Rosa 145.350 - 88.5 WA6YGD Sonoma Mtn NO
101 S Santa Rosa 146.790 - 88.5 KV6SR Fountain Grove
101 S Santa Rosa 146.835 - 88.5 KE6EAQ .
101 S Santa Rosa 147.315 - 156.7 W6SON .
101 S Santa Rosa 223.760 - KE6N .
101 S Sebastopol 147.315 + 88.5 W6SON English Hill
101 S Petaluma 146.910 - 88.5 WB6TMS Sonoma Mtn SM
101 S Novato 146.775 - 110.9 K6GWE Hamilton Field
101 S Novato 147.330 + 203.5 K6GWE Big Rock Ridge
101 S Mt Tam 147.330 + 173.8 K6GWE Big Rock Ridge
101 S Mill Valley 146.700 - 179.9 K6GWE Mt Tamalpais

Emergency Frequencies

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Message Forms

Prints one radiogram form with instructions per page (cutting required). Designed to be used with manual word processors (pen, pencil or typewriter). *.pdf format. (122KB)
Prints two standard radiogram forms as above (without instructions) per page. (Cutting required)*.pdf format. (144KB)
Single form with instructions. Fill out on computer using Microsoft Excel. Save as (your file name). Print and cut before delivery. *.xls format. (87KB)
Two forms without instructions. Fill out on computer using Microsoft Excel. Save as (your file name). Print and cut before delivery. *.xls format. (85KB)
Fill out on computer using Microsoft Word. Ignore color page instructions. Save as (your file name). Print before delivery. *.doc format. (23KB)